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Dr Nada Jurinčić, penzionisani pedijatar s afričkim stažom u epidemijama.


1. Grip nije zarazna bolest jer zaraznu bolest uzrokuju živi mikroorganizmi.

2. Virus nije živi mikroorganizam nego nakupina molekula u proteinskoj ovojnici, nešto poput vreće za otpatke u kojoj se nalazi mešoviti otpad čije se poreklo ne zna.

3. To što se grip u koju spada i izmišljotina kov-id-19 pojavljuje u respiratornom obliku u vreme kad je veća vlaga u vazduhu, a crevna gripa u letnim mesecima u većoj populaciji, to ne znači da je kontagiozna, tj. da nastaje prijenosom s bolesne osobe na zdravu. Epidemiološka pojava nekog fenomena nikako ne znači njegovu zaraznost. Nema naučnih dokaza da je ono što zovu virus s-c-02 uzrok ili uzročnik kliničkog sindroma koji se ispoljava znakovima čišćenja gornjih i donjih disajnih puteva.

4. Ono što kupljena rotšildska nauka potura pod uzročnikom kliničkog sindroma gripe isto tako može biti posljedica, a ne uzrok sindroma. Virus kao mrtva nakupina svačega, nađen u sluznici dišnih puteva, po svim kriterijima može značiti samo jedno: otrovnu izlučevinu stanica disajnog sistema koje izbacuju iz sebe ono što bi im uništilo disanje i metabolizam. Budući da se mukus, sluz disajnih puteva, drži priljubljeno, slepljeno za disajne kanale, iz razloga da prema sili teže ne bi potonula prema malim disajnim kanalima, to organizam koristi mehanizam kašlja koji namiče energiju za izbaciti otpad iz disajnih kanala. U zimskim mesecima, kad je više vlage u vazduhu, disajna sluz se razredi i tad ju je najlakše izbaciti. Od tud epidemijska pojava sindroma, a ne zbog toga što je napadnut živim patogenim mikroorganizmima.

5. Povišena temperatura je odraz propadanja hiljada imunoloških stanica i bakterija koje jedu detritus, otpad i kad se nakupe previše, ugibaju oslobađajući svoje otpadne tvari koje podižu temperaturu. To povišenje temperature ubrzava protok krvi, a tim dotok kiseonika i ispiranje od toksina. Zato se na grip ne može stvoriti kolektivni imunitet, jer on nije ono za što ga smatraju, jer im tako odgovara! Od njega su napravili svinjski, ptičji, sidu...

6. Grip je neuništiv jer je prirodan način velikog sezonskog /zimskog čišćenja organizma, odnosno sistema za disanje, a leti sistema za varenje.

Ovo je moj rad i stojim iza svake reči.

Ono što oni nazivaju virusom je genetski materijal koji nijedna nauka ne uzima kao dokaz uzroka ili uzročnika.
Virusologija je stara koliko Hipokratova medicina.

Hipokrat je rabio izraz virus i u prevodu znači otrovna izlučevina, a to znači da je stvara tiјelo, a ne da ona ulazi u tijelo.

Sindrom gripe ispoljavaju češće ljudi koji su oslabljenog imuniteta iz bilo kojeg razloga, najčešće oni koji se nalaze pod hrpom lijekova. Zašto? Zato što su nakupili toliko otrova u svom tijelu da dobre bakterije i makrofagi ne mogu stići u vremenskoj jedinici izbaciti toliko toksina van.

Virusologija nikad više neće biti laž u koju su je pretvorili rotšildski laboratorijski plaćenici, među kojima ima i naših đikana.

Virusologija će postati naučna disciplina o načinu na koji se telo sezonski čisti od nakupljenih otrova.

Zapamtite dobro što sam vam rekla u ovoj zadnjoj rečenici!

Dr. Nada Jurinčić, penzionisani pedijatar s afričkim stažom u epidemijama.

Dr. Nada Jurinčić, retired pediatrician with African internship in epidemics. UNTIL YOU REALIZE THAT THE VIRUS MEANS TOXICTURE, UNTIL YOU REALIZE IT'S NOT ALIVE AND CAN ' T BE KILLED UNTIL YOU REALIZE IT CANNOT BE TRANSFERREADED BY NATURAL WAY BUT ONLY AS A POISON THAT SHALL BE INVOKED WITH A VACCINE OR INJECTION... UNTIL YOU WILL LET IT BE YOU ARE A FIST OF MEDICAL MAFIANS TRAIN THROUGH WATER. 1. Flu is not a contagious disease because the infectious disease is caused by living microorganisms. 2. The virus is not a living microorganism, but a purchase of molecules in a protein wrap, something like a waste bag with mixed waste in which you don't know the origin. 3. The fact that the flu belongs to and the fabrication of metal-id-19 appears in respiratory form at a time when the humidity is in the air, and the intestinal flu in the summer months in the larger population does not mean it is contagious, i.e. ... that it is created by transferring from a sick person to healthy. The epidemiological phenomenon of some phenomenon does not mean its contagion. There is no scientific evidence that what they call a s-c-02 virus is the cause or cause of clinical syndrome that causes upper and lower respiratory cleansing signs. 4. What purchased Rothschild science is pushing under the cause of clinical flu syndrome can also be a consequence, not a cause of syndrome. A virus as a dead purchase of anything, found in the mucus of airways, can only mean one thing: toxic exclusion of respiratory cells that would destroy their breathing and metabolism. Since the torment, the slime of airways, keeps popular, blind to air channels, due to the force it would not sink harder towards small respiratory channels, the body uses the mechanism of cough that drives energy out of the air channels. In the winter months, when there is more humidity in the air, respiratory mucus is classified and then it is easiest to kick it out. From the epidemic phenomenon of syndrome, not because it was attacked by living pathogenic microorganisms. 5. Increased temperature is a reflection of the decay of thousands of immune cells and bacteria that eat detritus, waste and when they accumulate too much, they guess by releasing their waste that raises temperature. This temperature increase speeds up blood flow, and the team is oxygen flow and toxin washing. That's why you can't create collective immunity because it's not what they think it is, because it suits them! He was made into pork, bird, aids... 6. The flu is indestructible because it is a natural way of great seasonal / winter cleaning of the organism, or the respiratory system, and the digestive system flies. This is my work and I stand behind every word. What they call a virus is a genetic material that no science takes as proof of cause or cause. Virology is as old as Hippocrates medicine. Hippocrates used the term virus and translated means toxic excretion, which means it creates the body, not that it enters the body. Flu syndrome is more often exposed to people who are weak immunity for any reason, mostly those under a bunch of drugs. Why? Why? Because they have accumulated so many poisons in their body that good bacteria and macrophags can't get in the time unit to kick so many toxins out. Virology will never again be a lie turned into by Rothschild laboratory mercenaries, including our jicans. Virology will become a scientific discipline of how the body is seasonally cleansed from accumulated poisons. Remember well what I told you in this last sentence! Dr. Dr. Nada Jurinčić, retired pediatrician with African internship in epidemics.


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Članak indeksiran 15.12.2020. Zadnji put osvježen 15.12.2020.

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