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Snažna poruka Sopfie Petronin predsjedniku Francuske nakon prihvatanja islama

Poruka Francuskinje predsjedniku Republike Francuske, nakon što je objavila, na francuskom tlu, da je prešla na islam, a ne u republici Mali u kojoj je bila zatočena kod muslimana!

Ovo je poruka gospođe Merjem (Sophie Petronin) francuskom predsjedniku Makronu:

Gospodine Makron, neka je mir na onoga koji slijedi Uputu...
Saznala sam da ste se začudili kako je Sophie Petronin, Francuskinja čistokrvne bijele rase, katolička kršćanka, prešla na islam, nakon 75 godina kršćanstva i tokom 4 godine zatočeništva među muslimanima! Dopustite mi da vam pojednostavim stvari ...

Gospodine Macron!
Da, bila sam zarobljenica kod muslimana.
Međutim, oni me nisu nikad zlostavljali, i sav njihov odnos prema meni bio je ispunjen uvažavanjem i poštovanjem. Oni su mi pružali hranu i piće, i čak su mi, uprkos oskudici resursa, davali prednost nad samim njima, poštujući do kraja moju privatnost.
Nitko me nikada nije izložio verbalnom ili fizičkom uznemiravanju, niti je vrijeđao moju religiju, ni Isusa, ni Djevicu, mir neka je s njima, kao što to Vi radite s Vjesnikom Muhammedom, blagoslov i mir neka su s njim.
Nisu mi nametnuli islam, ali ja sam vidjela u njihovom ponašanju da su to ljudi koji se čiste vodom, mole Gospodara u pet dnevnih molitvi i poste mjesec ramazan.
Gospodine Macron!
Da, muslimani u Maliju su siromašni, njihova zemlja je siromašna. Nemaju Eiffelovog tornja i ne znaju za naše francuske parfeme, ali oni su čistiji od nas, i svojim tijelima i svojim srcima.
Da, oni ne posjeduju luksuzne automobile i ne žive u visokim tornjevima, ali su njihove ambicije iznad oblaka, a njihova vjera čvršća je od planina.
Gospodine Macron!
Jeste li Vi u svom životu ikada čuli učenje Kur'ana kojeg oni razgovjetno ponavaljaju, u svojim molitvama, ujutro i navečer?
Kako je lijepo recitovanje! Čak i ako ne razumijete što izgovaraju, Vaše će srce zadrhtati i zatreperiti, a tijelo zadrhtati dok ih slušate kako izgovaraju Božje riječi koje su oni naučili napamet!
Kada svojom podsviješću osjetite i shvatite da ovo nije ljudski govor, već nebeska melodija koja se spustila s Neba, javlja Vam se neobuzdana želju da znate značenje onoga što oni uče, ujutro i navečer, u svojim nebeskim himnama!

Gospodine Macron!
Jeste li u svome životu ikada spustili svoje lice radi Boga i učinili da Vam čelo dodiruje zemlju dok šapućete Gospodaru o svojim brigama i zahvaljuje Mu se na Njegovim blagodatima, kao i oni? Jeste li ikad osjetili Božju bliskost s Vama i svoju bliskost s Njime?

Gospodine Macron!
Žene su im crne poput ugljena, ali njihova su srca bijela poput mlijeka. Nose jednostavnu odjeću, ali u očima svojih ljudi najljepše su na svijetu. Ne miješaju se sa stranim muškarcima, niti oni sa njima i ne dovode strane muškarce u svoje domove, u odsustvu muževa. One se ne opijaju, ne kockaju se i ne čine preljub!

Gospodine Macron!
Tamošnji muslimani vjeruju u sve Božije vjesnike, čak i u Božijeg vjesnika, Isusa kojeg vole više od nas, kao i njegovu majku Mariju (Merjem) čije sam ime uzela za sebe zbog njihove velike ljubavi i poštovanja prema njoj i njenom položaju.

Gospodine Macron!
Mogli biste me pitati: - Kako oni vole Krista više od nas?
Odgovorit ću vam: - Da, oni vole Gospodina Krista više od nas, jer je naša zemlja prolila krv nedužnih ljudi u ime Krista, opustošila njihove zemlje i opljačkala im bogatstva.
Mi koristimo i crpimo dobra muslimanskih zemalja, te na razne načine uzimamo danak od njihovih vladara, namećemo im komercijalne potrošačke projekte koji nisu razvojni, širimo pobune među njima, a zatim im prodajemo oružje da bi se međusobno ubijali.
Ali, svejedno mi njih i dalje tretiramo kao teroriste, iako su oni svjesni da smo mi zapravo teroristi, a ne oni!
Međutim, i pored toga, oni su sa mnom i sa ostalim taocima postupali Kristovim moralom kojeg smo učili u crkvama, ali ga u stvarnosti ne primjenjujemo!
Gospodine Macron!
Na kraju... Nisam željela objaviti svoj islam u Maliju, kako se za mene ne bi govorilo da sam prešla na islam pod mačem. Odlučila sam da svoj islam obznanim kada budem na francuskom tlu kako bih prenijela poruku islama milionima Francuza i Evropi; podjednako i njenoj kršćanskoj i ateističkoj cjelini!
Gospodine Macron!
Ova religija, islam protiv koje se Vi borite, i danju i noću, ganula mi je srce i ispunila um. Nisam se vratila da vidim Francusku u njenom glamuru i ljepoti, ljepšu od siromašnog i skromnog Malija. Šta više, odlučila sam se vratiti u njega ponovo, ali nakon što pozovem svoju porodicu i najmilije u islam, jer želim da oni isprobaju slatkoću onoga što sam ja okusila obožavanjem jednog jedinog Najmilostivijeg i Najmilosrdnijeg Boga, osim kojeg nema nikavog i nijednog drugog boga, želeći im dobrotu ovoga i budućeg svijeta.
Pozivam i Vas u islamu, te da okončate svoje kalkulacije u vezi ove velike religije koja je bila poruka svih vjesnika i poslanika od vremena Adama, preko Isusa Krista i zaključno s prvakom svih ljudi, Muhammedom, neka je s njim blagoslov i mir.

I mir neka sa onima koji slijedi Uputu...
Merjem Petronin

What a message to Muslims and Christians! A strong message to the president of France after accepting Islam A message from the French President of the republic of France, after published, on French land, that she moved to Islam and not in the republic of mali where she was detained with Muslims! This is a message to Mrs. Mary (Sophie Petronin) to French President Macron: Lord Macron, may the peace be upon the one who follows the guide... I found out that you were surprised how Sophie Petronin, a French Pure-blood white race, a Catholic Christian, moved to Islam after 75 years of Christianity and during 4 years of prison among Muslims! Let me make things simple for you... Mr. Poppy! Yes, I was a prisoners with Muslims. However, they never abuse me, and all their attitude towards me was filled with respect and respect. They gave me food and drink, and even, despite the resources of resources, gave me an advantage over them, respect my privacy. No one has ever exposed me to religious or physical abuse, nor offended my religion, nor Jesus, nor the virgin, peace be with them, as you do with the Lord Mohamed, blessing and peace be with him. They didn't force Islam, but I saw in their behavior that these are people who clean water, pray to the Lord in five day prayers and post the month of Ramadan. Mr. Poppy! Yes, the Muslims in mali are poor, their country is poor. They don't have the hurt tower and don't know about our french perfumes, but they are cleaner than us, and their bodies and their hearts. Yes, they do not own luxury cars and do not live in high towers, but their ambition is above the clouds, and their faith is stronger than the mountains. Mr. Poppy! Have you ever heard the study of the Quran that they repeat in your life, in their prayers, in their prayers, morning and evening? What a nice recycling! Even if you don't understand what they are saying, your heart will hold and shake, and your body will hold while listening to them say the words of God they have learned by heart! When you feel and realize that this is not a human speech, but a heavenly melody that came down from the sky, you have an infinite desire to know the meaning of what they learn, in the morning and evening, in your heavenly anthem! Mr. Poppy! Have you ever put down your face for the sake of God and have made your head touch the earth while you're morning to the Lord about your worries and thanks him for his blessings, as well as them? Have you ever felt God's closer with you and your close to him? Mr. Poppy! Women are black like charcoal, but their hearts are white like milk. They wear simple clothes, but in the eyes of their people, they are the most beautiful in the world. They don't mix with foreign men, nor do they bring foreign men into their homes, in the absence of husband. They don't get drunk, they don't play, and they don't seem to be a lover! Mr. Poppy! The Muslims there believe in all the Lord of God, even in the prophet of God, Jesus whom they love more than us, as well as his mother Mary (Mary) whose name I took for myself because of their great love and respect for her and her position. Mr. Poppy! You could ask me: - how do they love Christ more than we do? I will answer you: - yes, they love the Lord Christ more than we do, because our country has had the blood of innocent people in the name of Christ, destroyed their countries and stole their wealth. We use and draw the good Muslim countries, and in various ways we take a tribute from their leaders, we will give them commercial consumer projects that are not developed, we spread the other and then sell them weapons to kill each other. But we still treat them as terrorists, even though they are aware that we are actually terrorists, not them! However, however, they treated me and with the other ones of Christ's moral that we taught in the churches, but in reality we don't apply it! Mr. Poppy! In the end... I didn't want to post my Islam in Mali, so I wouldn't be said that I moved to Islam under the sword. I have decided to know my Islam when I am on French ground to pass a message to Islam millions of French and Europe; equal to its Christian and an eye! Mr. Poppy! This religion, the Islam that you're fighting, day and night, has touched my heart and filled my mind. I didn't come back to see France in its glamour and beauty, more beautiful than poor and humble little one. What more, I have decided to return to him again, but after calling my family and loved ones to Islam, because I want them to try the sweetness of what I have tasted by worship one and most merciful God, except which there is no one and no other God, Wishing them the kindness of this and future world. I invite you also to Islam, and to end your calculation regarding this great religion which has been the message of all the experts and the prophet of the times of Adam, through Jesus Christ and final with the champion of all men, Mohamed, may he be blessed and peace with him. And let peace be with those who follow the guide... Mary Petronin


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