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* Konačni uzrok COVID-a pronađen u Nemačkoj*

Nemački lekari nisu se povinovali zakonu svetske zdravstvene organizacije SZO, koji nalaže da se ne rade obdukcije preminulih od Korona virusa i ustanovili su da ovo NIJE VIRUS, već BAKTERIJA koja izaziva smrt. To dovodi do stvaranja krvnih ugrušaka i smrti pacijenta.

Nemačka pobeđuje takozvani COVID-19, koji nije ništa drugo do “široko rasprostranjena intravaskularna koagulacija“ (tromboza).
"A način da se nosimo sa tim, odnosno njegovim lečenjem, je pre svega ASPIRIN, kao antikoagulans.”
Ovu senzacionalnu vest za ceo svet pripremili su nemački lekari obdukcijom leševa koje je proizveo COVID-19.
Takođe, prema nemačkim patolozima, nikada nisu bile potrebne mehaničke ventilacije i jedinice za intenzivnu negu.
CSecha u Nemačkoj započela je promenu protokola, “KO je identifikovao i uklonio globalnu pandemiju - NEMAČKI POZIV”.

Lek je već bio poznat, ili SZO o tome nije obavestila Kineze. Za SZO je to samo BIZNIS.
Izvor: NEMAČKA, Ministarstvo zdravlja.
Prenesite ovo svojoj porodici, svim komšijama, poznanicima, prijateljima, koleginicama, kolegama, itd., i uopšteno svima u okruženju.
COVID-19 nije virus, kako su nas naveli da verujemo. To je bakterija koja, kada je pojačana 5G elektromagnetnim zračenjem, izaziva upale i hipoksiju.
Sve što je potrebno, to je da uradite sledeće:
Uzmite Aspirin 100 mg i Apronaks ili Paracetamol.
Zašto? Jer je dokazano da COVID-19 zgušnjava krv, stimulišući osobu da razvije trombozu. Jer krv nije zasićena kiseonikom pa se zgušnjava, a protok u srcu i plućima usporava, osoba ne može da diše i brzo umire.

U Nemačkoj su prekršili protokol koji je preporučila SZO i uradili obdukciju tela (leša) preminulog od COVID-19. Kada su otvorili telo, ruke, noge i druge delove tela, shvatili su da u venama ima zgrušane krvi. Sve vene i arterije bile su ispunjene krvnim ugrušcima ometajući normalan protok krvi i dopiranje kiseonika u sve organe, a najviše u mozak, srce i pluća i usled toga pacijent na kraju umire.
Već znaju za ovu dijagnozu, a Nemačko Ministarstvo zdravlja odmah je promenilo protokole lečenja za COVID-19 i počelo da prepisuje 100 mg Aspirina i Apronaksa svojim zaraženim pacijentijma.
Pacijenti su počeli da se oporavljaju i pojavila su se poboljšanja. Ministarstvo zdravlja pustilo je i poslalo kući više od 14.000 pacijenata u jednom danu.
HITNO: Podelite sve ove informacije i učinite ih odmah javnim. Kod nas takođe lažu i manipulišu ovom pandemijom. Svaki dan naš predsednik kaže da su to podaci i statistika. Ako objavi prave podatke (da bi spasio građane), pretiće mu “svetska elita” - svetska vlada iz senke.

Znamo da su sve vlade sveta obavezne da se pridržavaju preporuka SZO, ali Nemačka je prekršila tu normu SZO-a i biće tužbi po celom svetu - zbog prikrivanja tolikog broja smrtnih slučajeva i kolapsa ekonomije mnogih zemalja sveta. I svi će razumeti zašto je izdato naređenje da se tela preminulih odmah pokopaju bez obdukcije i označe kao kontaminirajuća.
U našoj je moći da pokažemo istinu i nadamo se da ćemo spasiti mnoge živote.
Zbog svega

URGENT!! ️ 🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘!!️ * LATEST NEWS INTERNATIONAL 🔴 Germany * The final cause of COVID found in Germany * German doctors did not obey the law of the WHO World Health Organization, which says that the autopsies of the deceased from the Corona virus are not done and found that this is not a virus, but a BACTERY that causes death. This leads to the creation of blood clots and death of the patient. Germany defeats the so called COVID-19, which is nothing but ′′ widespread intravascular coagulation ′′ (trombosis). ′′ And the way to deal with it, or its treatment, is, above all, ASPIRIN, as anticoagulant." This sensational news for the whole world was prepared by German doctors with autopsy of bodies produced by COVID-19. Also, according to German pathologists, mechanical ventilation and intensive care units were never needed. CSecha in Germany began a change in protocol, ′′ Who identified and eliminated the global pandemic - GERMAN CALL ". The medicine was already known, or WHO did not inform the Chinese about it. It's just a BUSINESS for WHO. Source: GERMANY, Ministry of Health. SHARE SO THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS WE KILLED AND KILLED ELDER PEOPLE!!! Pass this on to your family, all your neighbors, acquaintances, friends, colleagues, etc., and generally everyone around. COVID-19 is not a virus, how they made us believe. This is a bacteria that, when reinforced by 5 G electromagnetic radiation, causes inflammation and hypoxia. All it takes is to do the following: Take Aspirin 100 mg and Apronaks or Paracetamol. Why is that? Because COVID-19 has been proven to suppress blood, stimulating a person to develop trombosis. Because blood is not saturated with oxygen so it suffocates, and flow in the heart and lungs slows down, a person cannot breathe and dies quickly. In Germany, they violated the protocol recommended by WHO and did autopsy of the body (corpse) of the deceased from COVID-19. When they opened the body, hands, legs and other parts of the body, they realized that there were broken blood in their veins. All veins and arteries were filled with blood clots preventing normal blood flow and touching oxygen to all organs, and most of all in the brain, heart and lungs and then the patient eventually dies. They already know about this diagnosis, and the German Ministry of Health immediately changed COVID-19 treatment protocols and started prescribing 100 mg of Aspirin and Apronaks to its infected patients. RESULTS: Patients started recovering and improvements emerged. The Ministry of Health released and sent home more than 14.000 patients in one day. URGENT: Share all this information and make it public immediately. They are also lying and manipulating this pandemic. Every day our president says it's data and statistics. If he publishes real data (to save citizens), he will be threatened by the ′′ world elite ′′ - world shadow government. We know that all governments of the world are mandatory to follow WHO recommendations, but Germany has violated that WHO standard and will be lawsuits worldwide - because of covering so many deaths and collapses of the economy of many countries in the world. And everyone will understand why the orders of the deceased were issued to immediately bury themselves without autopsy and label themselves as contaminating. It is in our power to show the truth and hope to save many lives. FOLLOW AND SHARE ASAP! ON ALL NETWORKS!!!! Because of everything


Članak indeksiran 30.11.2020. Zadnji put osvježen 30.11.2020.

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