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* Konačni uzrok COVID-a pronađen u Njemačkoj *

Njemački liječnici nisu se pokoravali zakonu Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije WHO koja nalaže da se ne smiju izvoditi obdukcije umrlih od virusa Corona i utvrdili su da ovo NIJE VIRUS, već BAKTER koji uzrokuje smrt. To dovodi do stvaranja krvnih ugrušaka i smrti pacijenta.

Njemačka pobjeđuje takozvani COVID-19, koji nije ništa drugo nego "raširena intravaskularna koagulacija" (tromboza).
"A način rješavanja toga, odnosno liječenja, prije svega je ASPIRIN, kao antikoagulant."
Ovu senzacionalnu vijest za cijeli svijet njemački su liječnici pripremili obdukcijom leševa koje je proizveo COVID-19.
Također, prema njemačkim patolozima, nikad nisu trebale jedinice za mehaničku ventilaciju i intenzivnu njegu.
CSecha u Njemačkoj započeo je promjenu protokola, "TKO je identificirao i uklonio globalnu pandemiju - NJEMAČKI POZIV".

Lijek je već bio poznat ili SZO o tome nije obavijestila Kineze. Za SZO je to samo POSLOVANJE.
Izvor: NJEMAČKA, Ministarstvo zdravstva.
Podijelite ovo sa svojom obitelji, svim susjedima, poznanicima, prijateljima, kolegama itd. I svima oko sebe općenito.
COVID-19 nije virus, kako su nas naveli da vjerujemo. To je bakterija koja, pojačana 5G elektromagnetskim zračenjem, uzrokuje upalu i hipoksiju.
Sve što trebate učiniti je sljedeće:
Uzmi Aspirin 100 mg i Apronax ili Paracetamol.
Zašto? Budući da dokazano COVID-19 zgušnjava krv potičući osobu da razvije trombozu. Budući da krv nije zasićena kisikom, pa se zgušnjava, a protok u srcu i plućima usporava, osoba ne može disati i brzo umire.

U Njemačkoj su prekršili protokol koji je preporučila SZO i izvršili obdukciju tijela (leša) pokojnika iz COVID-19. Kad su otvorili tijelo, ruke, noge i druge dijelove tijela, shvatili su da u venama ima zgrušane krvi. Sve vene i arterije bile su ispunjene krvnim ugrušcima, ometajući normalan protok krvi i dovod kisika u sve organe, a ponajviše u mozak, srce i pluća, i kao rezultat toga, pacijent je na kraju umro.
Oni već znaju za ovu dijagnozu, a njemačko Ministarstvo zdravstva odmah je promijenilo protokole liječenja COVID-19 i počelo propisivati ​​100 mg Aspirina i Apronaxa svojim zaraženim pacijentima.
Pacijenti su se počeli oporavljati i pojavila su se poboljšanja. Ministarstvo zdravlja pustilo je i poslalo kući više od 14 000 pacijenata u jednom danu.
HITNO: Podijelite sve ove podatke i odmah ih objavite. Također lažemo i manipuliramo ovom pandemijom. Naš predsjednik svaki dan kaže da su to podaci i statistika. Ako objavi prave podatke (kako bi spasio građane), prijetit će mu "svjetska elita" - svjetska vlada iz sjene.

Znamo da su sve vlade svijeta obvezne pridržavati se preporuka SZO-a, ali Njemačka je prekršila tu normu SZO-a i bit će tužbi po cijelom svijetu - zbog prikrivanja tolikog broja smrtnih slučajeva i propasti gospodarstva mnogih zemalja. I svi će razumjeti zašto je izdana naredba da se tijela pokojnika odmah pokopaju bez obdukcije i označe kao kontaminirajuća.
U našoj je moći pokazati istinu i nadamo se da ćemo spasiti mnoge živote.
Zbog svega toga djeluju antibakterijski gel i klor dioksid. Cijela ova PANDEMIJSKA PSIHOZA bila je potrebna jer svjetska vlada iz sjene želi cijepiti sve i instalirati čipove u nas, ubijati mase ljudi, kontrolirati i smanjivati ​​svjetsku populaciju.
🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘‼ ️ŠALJI DALJE !

URGENT!! 🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘 ️!! ️ * LATEST INTERNATIONAL NEWS 🔴 Germany * The final cause of COVID found in Germany * German doctors did not obey the law of the World Health Organization WHO which states that they should not carry out autopsy of the dead from the Corona virus and determined that this is not a virus, but a BAKTER that causes death. This leads to the creation of blood clots and death of the patient. Germany defeats the so-called COVID-19, which is nothing but ′′ spread intravascular coagulation ′′ (trombosis). ′′ And the way to solve it, or to cure, is primarily ASPIRIN, as anticoagulant." This sensational news for the whole world was prepared by German doctors by autopsy of bodies produced by COVID-19. Also, according to German pathologists, never needed mechanical ventilation units and intensive care. CSecha in Germany started changing the protocol, ′′ WHO identified and removed the global pandemic - GERMAN CALL ". The cure was already known or the WHO did not inform the Chinese about it. It's just a business for WHO. Source: GERMANY, Ministry of Health. SHARE SO THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS WE KILLED AND KILL ELDER PEOPLE!!! Share this with your family, all your neighbors, acquaintances, friends, colleagues, etc. And to everyone around you in general. COVID-19 is not a virus, as they made us believe. This is a bacteria that, increased by 5 G electromagnetic radiation, causes inflammation and hypoxia. All you need to do is the following: Take Aspirin 100 mg and Apronax or Paracetamol. Why is that? Since proven COVID-19 suffocates blood by encouraging a person to develop trombosis. Since blood is not saturated with oxygen, it suffocates, and the flow in the heart and lungs slows down, the person cannot breathe and dies quickly. In Germany, they violated the protocol recommended by WHO and carried out autopsy of the body (corpses) of the deceased from COVID-19. When they opened the body, hands, legs and other parts of the body, they realized that there were broken blood in their veins. All veins and arteries were filled with blood clots, obstructing normal blood flow and bringing oxygen to all organs, and most of all into the brain, heart and lungs, and as a result, the patient died. They already know about this diagnosis, and the German Ministry of Health immediately changed COVID-19 treatment protocols and began prescribing 100 mg of Aspirin and Apronax to their infected patients. RESULTS: Patients started recovering and improvements emerged. The Ministry of Health released and sent home more than 14 patients in one day. URGENT: Share all this information and post it immediately. We also lie and manipulate this pandemic. Our president says every day that these are data and statistics. If he publishes real data (to save citizens), he will be threatened by the ′′ world elite ′′ - world shadow government. We know that all governments in the world are obligatory to follow the WHO recommendations, but Germany has violated that WHO standard and will be lawsuits worldwide - for covering so many deaths and the failure of the economy of many countries. And everyone will understand why the order of the deceased's bodies was issued immediately bury without autopsy and label themselves as contaminating. It is in our power to show the truth and hope to save many lives. URGENTLY FOLLOW AND SHARE! ON ALL NETWORKS!!!! This is why antibacterial gel and chlorine dioxide work. This whole PANDEMIC PSYCHOSIS was needed because the world shadow government wants to vaccinate everything and install chips in us, kill masses, control and reduce the world population. Wake up! THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY, THIS IS THE IMPORTANT TRUTH THAT EXPECTS US IF WE DON ' T DO SOMETHING TO STOP IT!!! 🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘!! ️ SEND IT ON!


Članak indeksiran 30.11.2020. Zadnji put osvježen 30.11.2020.

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