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Toplinski rekordi su "oboreni" jer je ESA (Evropska svemirska agencija?) počela koristiti površinske temperature kopna, a ne temperature zraka na 2 m iznad površine, što znači da su promijenili standarde prošlih rekorda (što znači da zapravo nisu rekordne temperature, osim na kratkoročno).

ESA objašnjava da karta pokazuje stvarnu temperaturu kopnene površine koja je znatno toplija od temperature zraka.

https://twitter.com/ClimSciJou.../status/1679834118475993088May be an image of text that says 'Pratim Climate Science Jou... @ClimSciJournal Odgovor korisniku/ci @GretaThunberg The heat records have been "shattered" because ESA has started using Land Surface Temperatures, not air temperatures at 2m above the surface, which means they have altered the standards of the past records (which means they are not actually record temperatures, except on the short-term). short- ESA explains "the map shows the actual temperature of the land's surface which is significantly hotter than air temperatures". Prevedi Tweet Madric Valebcia'

Članak indeksiran 15.08.2023. Zadnji put osvježen 15.08.2023.

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