
Facebook profili i stranice → "Mladi vrag: I kako ste tolike duše dovukli u pakao?“

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Stari vrag: „Strahom.“

Mladi vrag: „Izvrsna strategija; pouzdana i uvek aktuelna. Čega su se plašili?
Mučenja? Rata? Gladi?“
Stari vrag: „Ne. Bolesti!“
Mladi vrag: „Zar se u to vreme niko nije razbolijevao?“
Stari vrag: „Da, jesu!“
Mladi vrag: „Drugi nisu umirali?“
Stari vrag: „Jesu, umirali su i drugi.“
Mladi vrag: „Nije bilo leka?“
Stari vrag: „Pa bilo je.“

Mladi vrag: „Ne razumem!?“

Stari vrag:.„Pogrešno su mislili, da jedino što trebaju čuvati je životić kojeg imaju pod cijenu svega ostalog!

Nisu se grlili, pozdravljali, odrekli su se svakog ljudskog kontakta, svega ljudskog!

Novca im je ponestalo … izgubili su posao, potrošili ušteđevinu ali i dalje verovali da su sretni makar više nisu mogli raditi i zarađivati za hleb!

Pamet im je lapila … Danas bi im mediji rekli jedno, sutradan drugo, a oni bi i dalje verovali sve što čuju!

Odrekli su se ličnih sloboda… Iz kuća nisu izlazili, nisu šetali, nisu posećivali rođake i rodbinu!
Svet se pretvorio u ogroman koncentracioni logor dobrovoljnih zatvorenika!
Prihvatili su sve! Sve, samo da bi osigurali svojim jadnim životićima dan više.

Bilo je tako jednostavno! Jednostavno kao i sada.”

C.S. Lewis, odlomak iz knjige "Pisma starijeg đavla mlađem" (1942.)

′′ Young Devil: And how did you bring so many souls to hell?" Old devil: ′′ Fear." Young Devil: ′′ Excellent strategy; reliable and always current. What were they afraid of? Torture? War? Smooth?" Old devil: ′′ No. Sickness!" Young devil: ′′ Wasn't nobody getting sick at that time?" Old devil: ′′ Yes they are!" Young devil: ′′ Others didn't die?" The old devil: ′′ Yes, others were dying too." Young devil: ′′ There was no cure?" Old devil: ′′ Well it was." Young devil: ′′ I don't understand!?" Old devil :." They thought wrong, that all they need to keep is the life they have at the price of everything else! They didn't hug each other, greeted, gave up every human contact, all human! They ran out of money... they lost their jobs, spent their savings but still believed that they were happy at least they couldn't work and earn for bread anymore! Their minds were lounging... Today the media would tell them one thing, tomorrow another, and they would still believe everything they hear! They gave up personal freedoms... They didn't leave the house, didn't walk, didn't visit relatives and relatives! The world has turned into a huge concentration camp of volunteer prisoners! They have accepted everything! Everything, just to secure your poor lives a day more. It was so simple! Simple as it is now." C.S. Lewis, an article from the book ′′ Letters of the Older Devil to the Younger ′′ (1942.)


Članak indeksiran 24.11.2020. Zadnji put osvježen 24.11.2020.