1. Vitamin C
2. Vitamin D3
3. Cink
4. Magnezijum
5. Aspirin protect
Limunadu, čaj od majčine dušice, zove i jesti voće.
Grgljanje mlake slane vode.
Možda će ovo nekome pomoći ❤
◉ Zbog kolapsa zdravstvenog sistema, zdravstveni radnici pripremili su ovu poruku za ljude, u slučaju da ne želite rizikovati da odmah odete u bolnicu
◉ Simptomi se javljaju trećeg dana nakon infekcije (virusni simptomi).
➙ 1. faza;
◉ Bolovi u telu
◉ Bolovi u očima
◉ glavobolja
◉ povraćanje
◉ Proliv
Curenje iz nosa ili začepljenje nosa
◉ Razgradnja
Peckanje u očima
Peckanje prilikom mokrenja
◉ Osećaj vrućine
◉ Ogrebano grlo (upaljeno grlo)
➙ Vrlo je važno brojati dane simptoma: 1., 2., 3..
◉ Preduzmite mere pre nego što groznica počne.
Pažnja, vrlo je važno piti puno tečnosti, posebno pročišćene vode. Pijte puno vode da grlo ostane suvo i pročisti pluća.
➙ 2. faza; (4. do 8. dan) upalni.
Gubitak ukusa i / ili mirisa
◉ Umor uz minimalan napor
◉ Bolovi u grudima (rebro)
◉ Bolovi u donjem delu leđa (u području bubrega)
➙ Virus napada živčane završetke;
◉ Razlika između umora i otežanog disanja:
• Nedostatak vazdua je kada osoba sedi - bez ikakvog napora - i bez daha;
• Umor je kada osoba radi nešto jednostavno i oseća se umorno.
➙ Zahteva puno hidratacije i vitamina C.
Covid-19 veže kiseonik, tako da je kvalitet krvi loša, s manje kiseonika.
➙ 3. faza - izlečenje;
Faza izlečenja započinje 9. dana, što može trajati do 14. dana (rekonvalescencija).
◉ Ne odgađajte lečenje, što pre to bolje!
➙ Srećno svima!
Najbolje je pridržavati se ovih preporuka, prevencije nikad previše!
• Sedite na suncu 15-20 minuta
• Odmarajte se i spavajte najmanje 7-8 sati.
• Pijte 1,5 litara vode dnevno
• Sva hrana mora biti vruća (nikako hladna).
Imajte na umu da se pH koronavirusa kreće od 5,5 do 8,5.
Dakle, sve što treba učiniti da bi se rešili virusa je ishrana sa više alkalne hrane, iznad nivoa kiseline virusa.
Kao što su;
◉ Banane, kreč → 9,9 pH
◉ Limunsko žuta → 8,2 pH
◉ Avokado - pH 15,6
◉ Beli luk - pH 13,2
◉ Mango - pH 8,7
◉ Mandarina - pH 8,5
◉ Ananas - 12,7 pH
◉ potočarka - 22,7 pH
◉ Narandže - 9,2 pH
➙ Kako znate da imate Covid-19?!
◉ svrbež u grlu
◉ Suvoća grla
◉ suvi kašalj
◉ Visoka temperatura
◉ Poteškoće u disanju
◉ Gubitak mirisa i ukusa
NE čuvajte ove podatke samo za sebe, već ih dajte svoj porodici i prijateljima.🤗
1. Vitamin C 2. vitamin D3 3. Zinc 4. Magnetsium 5. Aspirin protect Lemonade, mother's sweetheart tea, calling and eating fruit. Hugging up the salty water. Maybe this will help someone ❤ ◉ Due to the collapse of the health system, health workers have prepared this message for people, in case you don't want to risk going to the hospital immediately __________ ◉ Symptoms occur on the third day after infection (viral symptoms). ➙ Phase 1.; ◉ Body pain ◉ Eye pain ◉ headache ◉ throwing up ◉ The flow Nose leak or nose clogging ◉ Degradation Tailing in the eyes Baking while wetting ◉ Feeling the heat ◉ Scratched throat (sore throat) ➙ It is very important to count the days of symptoms: 1., 2., 3.. ◉ Take action before the fever starts. Attention, it is very important to drink a lot of fluids, especially cleaned water. Drink lots of water to keep your throat dry and clean your lungs. __________ ➙ Phase 2.; (4. to 8. day) lighter. Loss of taste and / or smell ◉ Tired with minimal effort ◉ Chest pain (rib) ◉ Lower back pain (in the kidney area) __________ ➙ The virus attacks nervous endings; ◉ The difference between tiredness and difficult breathing: • Lack of air is when a person sits - without any effort - and breathless; • Tired is when a person does something simple and feels tired. __________ ➙ Requires a lot of hydration and vitamin C. __________ Covid-19 binds oxygen, so blood quality is poor, with less oxygen. __________ ➙ Phase 3.-healing; The healing phase begins for 9. days, which can last up to 14. days (recovery). ◉ Don't delay treatment, the sooner the better! __________ ➙ Good luck everyone! It's best to follow these recommendations, prevention is never too much! • Sit in the sun for 15-20 minutes • Rest and sleep for at least 7-8 hours. • Drink 1,5 liters of water a day • All food must be hot (not cold). Keep in mind that pH coronavirus starts from 5,5 to 8,5. So all you have to do to get rid of the virus is dieting with more alkaline food, above the level of acid virus. Just like they are; ◉ Bananas, crust → 9,9 ph ◉ Lemon yellow → 8,2 ph ◉ Avocado - pH 15,6 ◉ Garlic - pH 13,2 ◉ Mango - pH 8,7 ◉ Tangerine - ph 8,5 ◉ Pineapple-12,7 ph ◉ streamer-22,7 ph ◉ Orange-9,2 ph __________ ➙ How do you know you have Covid-19?! ◉ itching in the throat ◉ Throat dryness ◉ dry cough ◉ High temperature ◉ Difficulties in breathing ◉ The loss of smell and taste __________ Don't keep this data just for yourself, but give it to your family and friends. 🤗